

Class Note



George Mason University

ASTR 111, Session 003 
Introduction to Modern Astronomy I: Solar System

Dr. Jie Zhang

Fall, 2007


Examination (Last Modified: Dec. 2, 2007)

  1. Please bring with you photo-ID
  2. Please bring with you a PARSCORE light-green scantron (Compatible with Scantron 48 only). The scantron should be purchased as the university bookstore. There are two kinds of PARSCORE green scantrons: light-green and dark-green. Only the light-green is accepted in the exams
  3. Closed book, closed note
  4. No calculator is needed
  5. For in-class exam, lecture will resume at 8:30 PM. Please do not leave after the exam.

Sample Exam

Exam 1

Exam 2

Exam 3

Final Exam