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Revision as of 15:02, 21 May 2013

To add another ICME to the Master List, find the edit page button at the top. You will see the wiki-table code on the page. To keep the list in proper chronological order, please find the appropriate spot on the list and type in the data in the form

|- | 11/20/2007 00:00:00||11/20/2007 11:00:00||11/15/2007 19:27:00||SH+MC||-||N12 E40||-||-||125 km/s||-||-||-||411.61||462.8 km/s||100:33:00||-63||11/20/07 09:00 PM||11/20/2007 00:00:00||2||http://helio.gmu.edu/phess4/events2/2007111900/2007111900.html%7C%7Chttp://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/dailymkmovie.php?cme=20071115%7C%7Chttp://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/dailymkmovie.php?cme=20071115&cor2=ab%7C%7Chttp://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/movie/make_javamovie.php?date=20071115&img1=soh_e195&img2=lasc2rdf

where the different columns are

|- | Signature Start Time||Signature End Time||The First Appearance in C2||The type of signature||Associated Active Region||Source Location||Flare Strength||Flare Onset Time||CDAW C2 Velocity||SEEDS C2 Velocity||SEEDS COR2A Velocity||SEEDS COR2B Velocity||Average Velocity (Arrival at the Earth-Eruption)/1 AU||Average In-Situ Velocity||Transit Time||DST Peak||DST Peak Time||Onset of the CME Ejecta (as opposed to the shock front)||Quality of the ICME In-Situ Signature (1-Best, All CME signatures present; 2-Medium, Some CME signatures present but not all, 3-Low Quality, Difficult signatures to interpret, least clear events)||Links to in-situ data||Links to C2 Data||Links to COR2 Data||Links to solar disk data

Do not worry if you do not have all of this data for an event, just post as much data as you have and include a '-' character for data that is either missing or you don't possess. We encourage anyone who sees missing data in an event to add it in themselves. If there is another data column you think should be added into the list, please e-mail either Phillip Hess (phess4@gmu.edu) or Jie Zhang (jzhang7@gmu.edu)