Office Hour: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM, Tuesday, or by appointment
Office: Room 351, Research Bldg 1
This course provides an advanced understanding of physics processes that govern space plasma, with a focus on understanding the structure and dynamics of solar atmosphere. The topics include magnetic field (3-D extrapolation, helicity, nullpoint and separator), magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), magnetic reconnection, flare dynamics, coronal mass ejections, shock and particle acceleration, and solar wind. After taking this course, students should (1) have a deep understanding of magnetism and MHD physics, (2) understand the physical mechanisms leading to energetic eruptions, (3) learn state-of-the-art computational tools to model physical processes and compare with observations. Understanding the Sun and heliosphere is also practically important because of the societal need of predicting space weather. This course is intended for graduate students who are interested in space science and astrophysics.
Introduction/Overview: Solar Physic and Space Weather
Plasma radiation
Maxwell and MHD Equations
Magnetic Field 1: potential and force free field, helicity
Magnetic field 2: 3-D morphology, null points, separators
Magnetic reconnection 1: current sheet
Magnetic reconnection 2: Magnetic annihilation
Magnetic reconnection 3: Steady reconnection
Magnetic reconnection 4: unsteady reconnection
Solar application 1: classic models of flares and CMEs
solar application 2: state-of-the-art models of flares and CMEs
Heliosphere and solar wind
Shock and particles
Shock sheath and magnetic cloud
Homework: 6 - 8 assignments
Students are required to conduct two advanced research projects that involves in-depth physics, advanced data analysis, intensive computation and literature study. The following two projects are suggested: (1) calculating coronal magnetic field using PFSS model, and (2) CME initiation and 3-D magnetic field configuration, or CME evolution and interaction with solar wind.
Exams: one midterm and one comprehensive final exam
Grades: Homework (20%), Projects (40%), Midterm (15%), Final Exam (25%)
Text Book (required):
Magnetic Reconnection - MHD Theory and Applications, Eric Priest and Terry Forbes, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-03394-2, 2000
Supplement Reference Books (will be reserved at Johnson Center Library):
Physics of the Solar Corona, Markus J. Aschwanden, Praxis Publishing, ISBN 3-540-30765-6, 2006
An Introduction to Plasmas and Particles in the Heliosphere and Magnetospheres, May-Britt Kallenrode, 2004
Solar and Stellar Magnetic Activity, Carolus J. Schrijver and Cornelis Zwann, 1999
Physics of Space Environment, Tamas I. Gombosi, 1998, Cambridge University Press (ISBN: 0-521-59264-X)
Computational Tools:
NASA Community Coordinated Modeling Center: