Astronomy 111, Session 003
Review Topics on Exam 3
The exam will take place at 7:20 PM to 8:30 PM on Dec. 04, 2006
The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, covering chapter 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.
Note 1: In each chapter, all sections are covered, except those explicitly excluded
Note 2: In each chapter, all boxes are excluded, except those explicitly included
· Chap. 10 --- Our Barren Moon (all 5 sections except 10-4)
o 10-1: Surface. Craters, Terrae, Maria
o 10-2: Manned exploration
o 10-3: Interior. No plate tectonics
o 10-5: Formation. Collision-ejection theory. Tidal force
· Chap. 11 --- Mercury (all 4 sections)
o 11-1: Observations. Elongation
o 11-2: Rotation. 3-2 spin-orbit coupling
o 11-3: Surface. No plate tectonics. No atmosphere
o 11-4: Interior. Large core
· Chap. 12 --- Venus (all 6 sections)
o 12-1: Observations. Morning Star, Evening Star. Elongation.
o 12-2: Retrograde rotaion
o 12-3: Thick atmosphere. High temperature. Sulfuric acid clouds
o 12-4: Hot-spot volcanism. Clouds.
o 12-5: Climate evolution. Venus versus Earth. Recycle of greenhouse gases. Runaway greenhouse effect.
o 12-6: Surface and Interior
· Chap. 13 --- Mars (all 8 sections, excluding 13-7 and 13-8)
o 13-1: Observations. Opposition.
o 13-2: Seasonal color changes. Canal illusion.
o 13-3: Surface. Craters. Volcanoes. Dichotomy
o 13-4: Water on Mars. Polar ice caps. Frozen water
o 13-5: Climate evolution. Atmosphere. Runaway icehouse effect. Frozen water. Locked carbon dioxcide
o 13-6: Mars exploration
· Chap. 14 --- Jupiter and Saturn (all 12 sections, excluding 14-5, 14-8 and 14-12)
o 14-1: Observation. Opposition. Cloud-top. Dark belts. Light Zones. Great Red Spot
o 14-2: Differential rotation
o 14-3: Atmosphere. Composition. Saturn’s helium deficiency. Great Red Spot.
o 14-4: Internal energy source. Temperature gradient.
o 14-6: Oblateness. Core
o 14-7: Magnetic field. Liquid metallic hydrogen
o 14-9: Saturn’s rings. Rings and gaps.
o 14-10: Ring’s composition. Ring particles. Roche Limit.
o 14-11: Ringlets.
· Chap. 15 --- Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn (all 10 sections, excluding 15-5)
o 15-1: Jupiter’s Galilean satellites. Synchronous rotations
o 15-2: Size. Mass. Comparative density and composition. .
o 15-3: Origin of the Galilean satellites. Jovian nebula.
o 15-4: Io. Valcanoes. Tidal heating
o 15-6:
o 15-7: Ganymede. Dark and bright terrain. Callisto’s heavy craters. Interiors of the Galilean satellites
o 15-8: Titan. Atmosphere.
o 15-9: Jupiter’s moons
o 15-10: Saturn’s moons
· Chap. 16 --- Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (all 9 sections, excluding 16-5 and 16-6)
o 16-1: Discovery
o 16-2: Uranus’s atmosphere. High concentration of Methane. Unusual rotation axis. Exaggerated seasonal change
o 16-3:
o 16-4: Internal structure of Uranus and Neptune.
o 16-7: Uranus’s satellite. Miranda’s geological activity. Tidal heating
o 16-8:
o 16-9: Pluto. Charon. Kuiper Belt. (Pluto not a planet any more)
· Chap. 17 --- asteroids and comets (all 9 sections)
o 17-1: Discovery of asteroids. “Missing planet”
o 17-2: Asteroid belt. Formation. Gravitational effect of Jupiter. Planetesimals failing to form a planet
o 17-3: Asteroid’s shape and composition. “rubble pile”
o 17-4: Trojan asteroids. Lagrange points. NEO. Iridium layer. Dinosaurs extinction
o 17-5: Meteoroid, Meteor. Meteorite. Stony, stony iron, and iron meteorites.
o 17-6: Meteorite’s trace on solar system formation
o 17-7: Comet. Nucleus. Coma. Hydrogen envelope. Dust tail. Ion tail. Radiation pressure.
o 17-8: Comet origin. Kuiper Belt. Oort cloud
o 17-9: Meteoritic swarm. Meteor shower