Based on maximum speed of 500 km/s, the search window starts from 2013/12/12 01:53 UT's

Partial Halo CME at 03:36 UT, moving with 1002 km/s.

SS: Eruption from S24W44 (from SWAP data). Flare location (C4.6, AR 11912) from GOES-list (S23W46)
Could be the source of disturbance.

Partial halo CME at 06:24 UT, moving with 723 km/s

SS: Eruption from S37E30 (from SWAP data).
Eruption was moving mostly towards south.

ENLIL run shows combination of CMEs reaching the Earth.

Halo CME at 21:24 UT, COR2 data indicate that the eruption was not moving front side.

SS: SWAP data indicate that eruption did not take place in the front side of the Earth.

No CMEs on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/12/15.


Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01