Based on maximum velocity of 520 km/s, the search window starts from 2013/04/10 14:59 UT

No CMEs seem to related to the disturbance of 2013/04/13

Halo and front side moving CME at 07:24 UT. The linear velocity of the CME from CDAW is 861 km/s.

SS: M6.5 class flare from NOAA AR 11719. This AR was located near the solar disk (N07E13). Flare onset time is 2013/04/11 06:55 UT.

GMU's ENLIL run suggests that this CME reached the Earth on 2013/04/14 ~ 02:00 UT.

No CME on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/04/13


No CME on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/04/13

Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01