Based on maximum speed of 400 km/s, searching window starts from 2013/02/07

2013/02/07 17:00 UT
No CMEs on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT

No CMEs on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT

Partial halo CME at 06:36 UT. It was moving in the front side with a velocity from CDAW catalog is 617 km/s.

Could be associated with the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT. However, the initial speed seems to be higher.

SS: Flare location (N23W07), flare start time: 2013/02/09 05:30:00 (C2.4)

GMU ENLIL: shows the CME to reach the Earth on 2012/02/12.

No CMEs on this da seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT

Few narrow and slow front side moving CMEs.

No CMEs on this da seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT


No CMEs on this da seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT


No CMEs on this da seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/02/13 UT

Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01