Based on maximum speed of 460 km/s, the search window starts from 2013/01/14 18:16 UT's

One front side moving CME, appeared at 21:12 UT. It was very slow (202 Km/s; CDAW) and was moving toward south.

Unlikely to be related to 2013/01/18 disturbance
i) It was moving below the equatorial plane.
ii) initial speed is too low. Though true propagation speed could be greater than 202 km/s (CDAW), still it is very small.

Front side moving CME, appeared at 08:12 UT. It was moving with a linear speed of 221 km/s (CDAW). From initial analysis of CDAW movie, solar source region was located near the western limb. Mostly moving toward the south side.

Moderate CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B, fainter in COR2-B.

SS: Associated with C1.1 class flare from AR 11650 (S31W55, starting at 06:46 UT). Eruption of AR filament (outside of the AR).

Could be related to the ICME of 2013/01/18.

Partial halo CME at 19:48, moving mostly southward.

Unlikely to be related to the disturbance of 2013/01/18

Partial halo CME at 19:00 UT. It was moving with a linear speed of 648 km/s.

Associated with C2.2 flare at 18:21 UT (S32W87)

less likely to be the source of the disturbance on 2013/01/18 due to location and time of eruption


No CMEs on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/01/18 12:37 UT

No CMEs on this day seem to be related to the disturbance of 2013/01/18 12:37 UT

Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01