Based on maximum speed of 670 km/s, the search window starts from 2012/07/12 04:07 UT
==> Halo CME at 16:48 UT, moving with 885 km/s
Frontside moving CME (COR1)
SS: Associated with X1.4 class flare from AR 11520 (15:37; S15W01)
Could be the source of disturbance
==> CME at 07:48 (angular width 104), moving with 399 km/s
Unlikely the source of disturbance due to eruption time and initial propagation speed.
==> CME at 20:00 UT (angular width 115), moving with velocity 386 km/s
Unlikely the source of disturbance due to eruption time and initial propagation speed.
==> Partial Halo CME at 22:36 UT, moving with velocity 539 km/s
Unlikely the source of disturbance due to eruption time and initial propagation speed.
Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
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