Based on maximum speed of 600 km/s, the search window starts from 2012/06/05 09:44 UT

==> Moderate front side moving CME ~12:05

==> CME at 21:33 UT (angular width 59), moving with 824 km/s
Major CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B, frontside moving CME.
Filament eruption from/near AR 11493 (N13W11), not associated with any major flare
could be the source of disturbance

==> Partial Halo CME at 20:36 UT (angular width 173), moving with 494 km/s
Major CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B, frontside moving CME
Eruption from AR 11494, associated with M2.1 flare (S18W04)
Could be the source of disturbance

No CMEs on this day seem to be related to the disturbance

Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01