Based on maximum speed of 330 km/s, the search window starts from 2012/01/15 05:01 UT

==> Partial Halo CME at 05:48 UT (angular width 163), moving with 510 km/s
backside event

==> Partial Halo CME at 00:48 UT (angular width 161), moving with 708 km/s
East limb event, unlikely the source of disturbance

==> Halo CME at 03:12 UT, moving with 1060 km/s
East limb event, less likely the source of disturbance

No CMEs on this day seem to related to the disturbance on 2012/01/21

==> Partial Halo CME at 12:24 UT (angular width 203), moving with 267 km/s
Major CME in both COR2-A an COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME.
Filament eruption from ~S14E14, not associated with any major flare
likely the source of disturbance

==> CME at 23:48 UT (angular width 119), moving with 270 km/s
major CME in both COR2-A an COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME.
eruption from AR 11396 (N25W44), associated with C5.1 class flare
unlikely the source of disturbance due to the location of eruption


==> CME at 09:48 UT (angular width 111), moving with 317 km/s
major CME in both COR2-A an COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME.
Filament eruption ~N37W50, not associated with any major flare
unlikely the source of disturbance due to the location of eruption

==> Halo CME at 14:36 UT, moving with 1120 km/s
partial halo CME in both COR2-A an COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME.
Eruption from AR 11402 (~N32E22), associated with M3.2 class flare
location of eruption is much higher in latitude (~N44), therefore less likely the source of disturbance

No CMEs on this day seem to related to the disturbance

Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01