Based on maximum speed of 700 km/s, the search window starts from 2011/09/24 01:12 UT


==> Partial Halo CME at 09:48 UT (angular width 145), moving with 1936 km/s
Halo CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
Eruption from AR 11302 (N13E61), associated with X1.9 flare (onset 09:21)
could be the source of disturbance

==> Halo CME at 12:48 UT, moving with 1915 km/s
Halo CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
Eruption from AR 11302 (N15E59), associated with M7.1 flare (onset 12:33)
Likely the source of disturbance

==> Halo CME at 19:36 UT, moving with 972 km/s
Major CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
Eruption from AR 11302 (N12E42), associated with M3.0 flare (onset 19:09)
less likely the source of disturbance due to the CME propagation direction

==> Partial Halo CME at 00:24 UT (angular width 132), moving with 557 km/s
Eruption from SW limb, unlikely the source of disturbance

==> CME at 03:12 UT (angular width 119), moving with 613 km/s
Partial Halo CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
Eruption from SW limb, could interact with earlier eruption (2011/09/25 00:24)
less likely the source of disturbance due to the location and time of eruption

==> Partial CME at 05:12 UT (angular width 193), moving with 788 km/s
Partial Halo CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
Eruption from AR 11302 (N11E47), associated with M7.4 flare (onset 04:31)
less likely the source of disturbance due to the time of eruption

==> Partial CME at 07:36 UT (angular width 157), moving with 641 km/s
Eruption from SW limb


Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01