Based on maximum speed of 400 km/s, the search window starts from 2011/01/18 07:00 UT

==> Partial Halo CME at 04:00 (angular width 202), moving with 776 km/s
Eruption from backside

==> CME ~16:00 UT,
Small CME in both COR2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
solar source is not clear, maybe associated with the eruption on 2011/01/18 ~07:34 UT from S38W23.
could be the source of disturbance

==> CME at 15:24 UT (angular width 101), moving with 168 km/s
backside eruption


==> CME at 13:25 UT (angular width 144), moving with 117 km/s
moderate CME in both cor2-A and COR2-B FOV, frontside moving CME
Eruption is not clear in AIA FOV, most likely from AR 11149.
could be the source of disturbance

Curators: Jie Zhang (jzhang7 AT; Suman Dhakal (sdhakal2 AT;
Last updated: 2022/01