Publication List
Dr. Jie Zhang (Updated in September 22, 2012)
Referred Journals
47 in total, 14 first author
- Cheng, X.; Zhang, J.; Saar, S. H.; Ding, M. D. :" Differential
Emission Measure Analysis of Multiple Structural Components of Coronal
Mass Ejections in the Inner Corona", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 761, Issue 1,
article id. 62 (2012)
- Kwon, Ryun-Young; Chae, Jongchul; Davila, Joseph M.; Zhang, Jie; Moon, Yong-Jae; Poomvises,
Watanachak; Jones, Shaela I.:" Three-dimensional Structure and
Evolution of Extreme-ultraviolet Bright Points Observed by
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 757, Issue 2, article id. 167 (2012)
- Olmedo, Oscar; Vourlidas, Angelos; Zhang, Jie; Cheng, Xin.:" Secondary Waves and/or
the "Reflection" from and "Transmission" through a
Coronal Hole of an Extreme Ultraviolet Wave Associated with the 2011
February 15 X2.2 Flare Observed with SDO/AIA and STEREO/EUVI", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
756, Issue 2, article id. 143(2012)
- Muñoz-Jaramillo, Andrés; Sheeley, Neil R.; Zhang, Jie; DeLuca, Edward E.:" Calibrating 100
Years of Polar Faculae
Measurements: Implications for the Evolution of the Heliospheric Magnetic
Field", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 753, Issue 2, article id.
146, 2012
- Zhang, Jie; Cheng,
Xin; Ding, Ming-De.:" Observation of an evolving magnetic flux
rope before and during a solar eruption", Nature Communications, Volume 3, pp. 747, 2012
- Cheng, X., Zhang, J., Olemdo,
O., Vourlidas, A., Ding, M.D., Liu, Y.:" Investigation of the
Formation and Separation of an Extreme-ultraviolet Wave From the Expansion
of a Coronal Mass Ejection", The
Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 745, Issue 1, article id. L5,
2011 and earlier total: 41,
first author 13
· Chen, Caixia; Wang, Yuming; Shen, Chenglong; Ye,
Pinzhong; Zhang, Jie; Wang, S.: "Statisical
Study of Coronal Mass Ejection Source Locations: II. Role of Active Regions in
CME Production", Journal of Geophysical
Research, 116, Issue A12, CiteID A12108, doi:10.1029/2011JA016844, 12/2011
· Guo, Jianpeng;
Feng, Xueshang; Emery, Barbara A.; Zhang,
Jie; Xiang, Changqing; Shen, Fang; Song, Wenbin:" Energy
transfer during intense geomagnetic storms driven by interplanetary coronal
mass ejections and their sheath regions", Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 116, Issue A5, CiteID
A05106, 05/2011
· Guo, Jianpeng; Feng,
Xueshang; Zuo, Pingbing; Zhang, Jie;
Wei, Yong; Zong, QIugang:"Interplanetary Drivers of Ionospheric
Prompt Penetration Electric Fields", Journal
of Asmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 1, 130-136,
- Cheng, X., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Ding, M.D., "Observing Flux
Rope Formation During the Impulsive Phase of A Solar Eruption", The Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Volume 732, Issue 2, article id. L25 (2011), 05/2011
- Cheng, X., Zhang, J.,
Ding, M.D., Guo, Y.; Su, J.T.:" A Comparative Study of Confined and
Eruptive Flares in NOAA AR 10720", The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 732, Issue 2,
article id. 87 (2011), 05/2011
- Guo, Jianpeng; Feng, Xueshang; Forbes, Jeffrey M; Lei, Jiuhou; Zhang, Jie; Tan Chenming: "On
the relationship between thermosphere density and solar wind parameters
during intense geomagnetic storms", Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 115, A12335,
doi:10.1029/2010JA015971, 2010
- Zhang, Jie; Wang, Yuming; Liu, Yang: "Statistical
Properties of Solar Active Regions Obtained from an Automatic Detection
System and the Computational Biases", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 723, pp. 1006-1018, 11/2010
- Olmedo, Oscar; Zhang, Jie:
" Partial Torus Instability", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 718, Issue 1, pp. 433-440, 07/2010
- Poomvises, Watanachak; Zhang,
Jie; Olmedo, Oscar:" Coronal Mass Ejection Propagation and
Expansion in Three-dimensional Space in the Heliosphere Based on
Stereo/SECCHI Observations", The
Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 717, Issue 2, pp. L159-L163, 07/2010
- Wang, Yuming; Cao, Hao; Chen, Junhong; Zhang, Tengfei; Yu, Sijie;
Zheng, Huinan; Shen, Chenglong; Zhang,
Jie; Wang, S.:" Solar Limb Prominence Catcher and Tracker
(SLIPCAT): An Automated System and its Preliminary Statistical
Results", The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 717, Issue 2, pp. 973-986, 07/2010
- Guo, Jianpeng; Feng, Xueshang; Zhang, Jie; Zhao, Pingbing; Xiang, Changqing:"
Statistical Properties and Geoefficiency of Inerplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejections and Their Sheaths During Intense Geomagnetic Storms", Journal of Geophysical Research,
Vol. 115, A09107, doi:10.1029/2009JA015140, 2010
- Cheng, X.; Ding, M. D.; Guo, Y.; Zhang, J.; Jing, J.; Wiegelmann, T.: " Re-flaring
of a Post-flare Loop System Driven by Flux Rope Emergence and
Twisting", The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, Volume 716, Issue 1, pp. L68-L73, 06/2010
- Kwon, Ryun-Young; Chae, Jongchul; Zhang, Jie:" Stereoscopic Determination of Heights
of Extreme Ultraviolet Bright Points Using Data Taken by SECCHI/EUVI
Aboard STEREO",The
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 714, Issue 1, pp. 130-137, 05/2010
- Cheng, X.; Ding, M.D.;
Zhang, J,:" A Study of the Build-up, Initiation and
Acceleration of 2008 April 26 Coronal Mass Ejection Observed by
STEREO", The Astrophysical
Journal, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 712, Issue 2, pp.
1302-1310, 04/2010
- Cheng, X.; Zhang, J.; Ding,
M.D.; Poomvises, W.:" A Statistical Study of the
Post-impulsive-phase Acceleration of Flare-associated Coronal Mass
Ejections", The Astrophysical
Journal, Volume 712, Issue 1, pp. 752-760, 03/2010
- Wang, Yuming; Zhang, Jie; Shen, Chenglong: “An analytical model probing the
internal state of coronal mass ejections based on observations of their
expansions and propagations”, Journal
of Geophysical Research, Volume 114, Issue A10, CiteID A10104,
- Zhang,
J.; Richardson, I.G.; Webb, D.F.: " Interplanetary
origin of multiple-dip geomagnetic storms", Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 113, Issue A10, CiteID
A00A12, 11/2008
- Richardson, I.G., Zhang, J., , “Multiple-step Geomagnetic Storms and Their
Interplanetary Drivers”, Goephyiscal
Research Letters, Vol. 35, Issue 6, CiteID L06S07, DOI:10.1029/2007GL032025,
- Zhang,
J.; Poomvises, W.; Richardson, I. G., “Sizes
and relative geoeffectiveness of interplanetary coronal mass ejections and
the preceding shock sheaths during intense storms in 1996-2005”,
Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 35, Issue 2, CiteID L02109, DOI:
10.1029/2007GL032045, 2008
- Wang, Yuming; Zhang, Jie, “A Statistical Study of Solar Active Regions that
Produce Extremely Fast Coronal Mass Ejections”, Astrophyiscal Journal,
680, 1516-1522, 2008
- Olmedo,
O.; Zhang, J.; Wechsler, H.; Poland,
A.; Borne, K., “Automatic Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections
in Coronagraph Time Series”, Solar
Physics, Vol. 248, Issue 2, pp. 485-499, DOI:
10.1007/s11207-007-9104-5, 2008
- Zhang,
J., Richardson, I.G., Webb,
D.F., Gopalswamy, N., Huttunen, E., Kasper, J., Nitta, N., Poomvises, W.,
Thompson, B.J., Wu, C.-C., Yashiro, S., and Zhukov, A., “Solar and
interplanetary sources of major geomagnetic storms (Dst ≤ -100 nT)
During 1996 – 2005”, Journal of
Geophysicsal Research, Vol. 112, Issue A10, CiteID A10102, DOI: 10.1029/2007JA012321,
- Wang Y.-M.,
Zhang, J., “A Comparative Study between Eruptive X-Class Flares
Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections and Confined X-Class Flares”,
Astrophysical Journal, Vol 665,
PP.1428-1438, 2007
- Zhang,
J., Dere, K.P., “A Statistical
Study of Main and Residual Accelerations
of Coronal Mass Ejections”, The
Astrophysical Journal, 649, PP.1100-1109, 2006
- Schwenn, R.; Raymond, J. C.; Alexander, D.; Ciaravella,
A.; Gopalswamy, N.; Howard, R.; Hudson, H.; Kaufmann, P.; Klassen, A.;
Maia, D.; Munoz-Martinez, G.; Pick, M.; Reiner, M.; Srivastava, N.;
Tripathi, D.; Vourlidas, A.; Wang, Y.-M.; Zhang, J., “Coronal Observations of CMEs”, Space Science Reviews, Volume
123, Issue 1-3, pp. 127-176, 2006
- Pick, M.; Forbes, T. G.; Mann, G.; Cane, H. V.;
Chen, J.; Ciaravella, A.; Cremades, H.; Howard, R. A.; Hudson, H. S.;
Klassen, A.; Klein, K. L.; Lee, M. A.; Linker, J. A.; Maia, D.; Mikic, Z.;
Raymond, J. C.; Reiner, M. J.; Simnett, G. M.; Srivastava, N.; Tripathi,
D.; Vainio, R.; Vourlidas, A.;
Zhang, J.; Zurbuchen, T. H.; Sheeley, N. R.; Marqué, C., “Multi-Wavelength
Observations of CMEs and Associated Phenomena”, Space Science Reviews,
Volume 123, Issue 1-3, pp. 341-382, 2006
- Richardson, I.G., Webb, D.F., Zhang, J., Berdichevsky, D.B.,
Biesecker, D.A., Kasper, J.C., Kataoka, R.., Steinberg, J.T., Thompson,
B.J., Wu, C.-C., Zhukov, A.N., “Major Geomagnetic Storms (Dst <= -100
nT) Generated by Corotating Interaction Regions”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A07S09, doi:
10.1029/2005JA011476, 2006
- Wang, Y.M., Xue, X.H., Shen, C.L., Ye, P.Z.,
Wang, S., Zhang, J., “Impact of
Major Coronal Mass Ejecions on Geospace During 2005 September 7-13”, The Astrophysical Journal, 646,
PP. 635-633, 2006
- Sui, Linhui; Holman, Gordon D.; White, Stephen
M.; Zhang, Jie,
“Multiwavelength Analysis of a Solar Flare on 2002 April 15”, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume
633, Issue 2, pp. 1175-1186, 2005
- Zhang,
J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A.,
Vourlidas, “A Study of the Kinematic Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections”,The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.
604, P. 420-432, 2004
- Cliver, E.W., Nitta, N.V., Thompson, B.J., Zhang, J., “Coronal Shocks of
November 1997 Revisited: The CME-Type II Timing Problem”, Solar Physics, Vol. 225, P.
105-139, 2004
- Nindos, A.,
Zhang, J., Zhang, H., “The Magnetic Helicity Budget of Solar Active
Regions and Coronal Mass Ejections”, The
Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 594,
P. 1033-1048, 2003
- Zhang,
J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A.,
Bothmer, V., “Identification of Solar Sources of Major Geomagnetic Storms
Between 1996 and 2000”, The
Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 582, P. 520-533, 2003
- Zhang,
J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A.,
Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., “On the
Temporal Relationship Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares”, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.
559, P. 452-462, 2001
- Zhang,
J., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M.,
Dere, K.P., “Reconcile the EUV and Radio Observations of the Sun's Corona”, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.
561, 396, 2001
- Zhang,
J., Kundu, M.R., and White,
S.M., “Spatial Distribution and Temporal Evolution of Coronal Bright
Points”, Solar Physics, Vol. 198, P. 347-365, 2001
2000 and earlier
- Zhang,
J., White, S.M., Kundu, M.R., "Two-Temperature
Coronal Models from SOHO/EIT Observations" , The Astrophysical Journal,
Vol. 527, P. 977-991, 1999
- Zhang,
J., White, S.M., Kundu, M.R., "The
Height Structure of the Solar Atmosphere from the EUV Perspective", Astrophysical Journal Letters,
Vol. 504, P. L127-L130, 1998
- Zhang,
J., Gopalswamy, N., Kundu, M.R.,
Schmahl, E.J., Lemen, J.R., "Spatial Structure of Solar Coronal
Magnetic Loops Revealed by Transient
Microwave Brightenings", Solar
Physics, Vol. 182, P. 285-298, 1998
- Zhou, A.H., Ma, C.Y., Zhang, J., Wang,
X.D., Zhang, H.Q., “Two Sets of Improved Approximate Expressions of the
Gyrosynchrotron Radition”, Solar Physics, Vol. 177, P. 427-437,
- Gopalswamy, N., Zhang, J., Kundu, M. R., Schamhl,
E. J., Lemen, J. R., "Fast Time Structure during Transient
Microwave Brightenings: Evidence for Nonthermal Processes”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol.491, P. L115-L119,
Other Publications (not in SCI
searchable database)
- Zhang,
J., “A Study on the Acceleration
of Coronal Mass Ejections”, IAU
Symposium No. 226 on Coronal and Steller Mass Ejection, edited by K.
Dere, J. Wang, and Y. Yan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
pp.65-70, 2005
- Zhang, J., Kundu, M.R., Long Term Variation of Solar
Corona from SOHO/EIT Observations, IAU
Symposium, No. 223. Edited by Alexander V. Stepanov and Elena E.
Benevolenskaya and Alexander G. Kosovichev Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, p.157-160, 2004
- Zhou, A.H., Ma,
C.Y., Zhang, J., Wang, X.D., “A
set of simple and accurate formulae for gyrosynchrotron radiation “, Chinese
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 21, P.255-256., 1997
- Zhang, J.,
Zhou, A.H., Zhang, H.Q., “A Model for Simple Spikes of Solar Hard X-ray
Bursts”, Chinese Journal of Space Science, Vol.14, No.2, P.85, 1994
Presentations, Conferences
and Workshops
J.: "Tracking CMEs From the Sun to the Earth and Improved Space Weather
Forecasting", AOGS-AGU(WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore, August 13-17,
2012, Invited
J.: "Understand CME Structures Near the Earth", 39th COSPAR
Scientific Assembly, Mysore, India, July 14-22, 2012, Invited
J.: "Zoology of Solar Eruptions", AAS/SPD meeting, Anchorage, Alaska,
June 10-14, 2012
J.: "Zoology of Solar Activity and Coronal Magnetism", Coronal
Magnetism Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, May 21-23, 2012
J.: "Observing Shock Waves in Coronal Images", IAC-Space Weather
Workshop, Palm Springs, California, March 19-23, 2012, Invited
J.: "CCMC in University Education", CCMC Workshop, Key Largo,
Florida, January 16-20, 2012, Invited
J., "Toward understanding Solar Storms and Space Weather Prediction",
U.S. Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, NAS, Irvine, California, November
17-19, 2011, invited
J., "Do All CMEs Have Flux Rope Structure", CDAW workshop, Alcala de
Henares, Spain, September 5-9, 2011, invited.
J., SHINE Meeting, Snowmass, CO, July 11-15, 2011
J., "CME Cavity, Core and Flux Rope: New Insights from SDO and
STEREO", Las Cruces, NW, June 12-16, 2011, Oral
J., "Understanding CME Evolution From L5", L5 meeting, Sunspot, NW,
April 21-22, 2011, Invited
J., "Toward Understanding Coronal Mass Ejections: Initiation, Acceleration
and Propagation", GMU - NRL Showcase, Fairfax, VA, March 30, 2011
J., "Understanding the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections in the
Interplanetary Space", AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, December
13-17, 2011, Invited
J., “Do All CMEs Have Flux Ropes”, CDAW Flux Rope Workshop, San Diego, CA,
September 21-24, 2010, Invited
J., "STEREO Observations: 3D Reconstruction and Measurement", Purple
Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China, August 3, 2010, seminar talk
J., "STEREO Observations of CME Propagation and Expansion in the
Interplanetary Space", 7th National Space Weather Symposium, Shanghai,
China, June 27 - August 2, 2010, Invited
J., "STEREO Observations of CME Propagation and Expansion in the
Interplanetary Space", 2010 West Pacific Geophysical Meeting (WPGM),
Taipei, Taiwan, June 22 - 25, 2010, Invited
J., "Statistical Properties of Solar Active Regions Based on Objective
Detection and Characterization", AAS 216th /Solar Physics Division (SPD)
Meeting, Miami, FL, May 22 - 27, 2010, Oral
J., “Automatic Identification of Solar Active Regions”, SDO/HMI Science Team
Meeting, Stanford, California, September
10, 2009 (oral)
Qiu, Jie Zhang, “Eruptive Flares and Fast CMEs”, NSF SHINE workshop, Wolfville,
Nova Scotia, Canada, August 3-7, 2009, Invited
J., “Relations Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares”, Solar Eclipse
Meeting, Suzhou, China, July 23-26, 2009, Invited
J, “Space Weather: From CME to ICME and Their Geoeffectiveness”,
Chinese-British Summer School, Nanjing, China, July 13-22, 2009, Invited
J. , Robinette, S., Wang, Y., “Toward Creating a Comprehensive Digital Active
Region Catalog”, AAS/SPD meeting, Boulder, Colorado, June 15-19, 2009
J, “Predicting the Occurrence of CMEs from Solar Flares and Source Regions”,
Forecasting the Operational All-Clear Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, April 22-24,
2009, Invited
J., The Sun-Earth Connection Chain: Solar and Interplanetary Coronal Mass
Ejecitons and Geomagnetic Storms, State Key Laboratory of Space Weather,
Beijing, China, Dec. 29, 2008, Invited
J., STEREO Observations of CME Initiation, Purple Mountain Observatory,
Nanjing, China, Dec. 23, 2008, Invited
J., “Fast Expansion and Acceleration of CMEs in the Low Corona”, STEREO SECCHI
Consortium Meeting, NRL, Washington DC., Oct 22-24, 2008 (oral)
J., “A Comparative Study of the Source Active Region Properties Between
Eruptive and Confined Flares”, Solar Image Processing Workshop IV, Baltimore,
Oct. 26-30, 2008 (oral)
- Zhang, J., SHINE 2008 Workshop, Zermatt, Utah,
June 23- 27, 2008. Invited
- Zhang, J., Asia Oceania Geoscience Society
Meeting, Busan, South Korea, June 16-20, 2008,
- Zhang, J., American Geophysical Union and Solar
Physics Division Joint Assemly, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida,
May 27-29, 2008, Session chair
- Zhang, J., First International Workshop on Small
Explorer for Solar Euption Mission (SMESE), Paris, France,
March 10-12, 2008, Invited
- Zhang, J., SHINE 2007 Workshop, Whistler, BC, Canada,
Jul. 30-Aug. 3, 2007. Invited
- Zhang, J, Seminar in Korea Astronomy and Space
Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea, July 5, 2007. Invited
- Zhang, J, Seminar in Seoul
National University,
Seoul, South Korea, July 3, 2007.
- Zhang, J., 1st Heliophysics Knowledge Base
Workshop, June 20-22, 2007, Brussels,
- Zhang, J., American Astronomical Society/Solar
Physics Division Meeting, Honolulu,
Hawaii, May 27-31, 2007.
Session chair.
- Zhang, J., LWS Coordinated Data Analysis
Workshop, FIT, Melbourne,
VA, Mar. 5-9, 2007. SOC
member, working group leader, invited.
- Zhang, J., American Geophysical Union Fall
Meeting, San Francisco,
Dec. 11-15, 2006
- Zhang, J., Prominence Workshop, George Mason
Univ., Fairfax,
Oct. 30-31, 2006
- Zhang, J., West Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006.
Convener, Invited, session chair
- Zhang, J., American Astronomical Society/Solar
Physics Division Meeting, Durham,
NH, June 25-30, 2006
- Zhang, J., American Geophysical Union meeting, Baltimore, MD,
May 23-27, 2006
- Zhang, J., American Astronomical Society 207th
meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8-12, 2006
- Zhang, J., International Space Weather Meeting, Macau, Nov. 21-25, 2005, invited
- Zhang, J., Solar and Space Physics and the Vision
for Space Exploration, Wintergreen, VA., Oct. 16-21, 2005
- Zhang, J., STEREO/SECCHI Consortium Meeting, George Mason University,
Virginia, Oct. 12-14, 2005, local organizer
- Zhang, J.., SHINE workshop, Big Island, Hawaii,
July 11-16, 2005
- Zhang, J., AGU/SPD meeting, New Orleans, LA,
May 23-27, 2005
- Zhang, J., NASA AISRP (Applied Information System
Research Program) PI meeting, NASA AMES, Moffett Field, CA,
April 4-6, 2005
- Zhang, J., LWS Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop
(CDAW) at GMU, Chair of LOC, data
coordinator, and member of SOC, Fairfax, VA, Mar. 14-16, 2005
- Zhang, J., Solar Imaging Processing Workshop II, Annapolis, MP, Nov.
3-5, 2004
- Zhang, J., Solar and Space Physics Virtual
Observatories Conferences, Oct. 27-29, 2004
- Zhang, J., IAU
Symposium No. 226 on Coronal and Stellar Mass Ejection, Beijing, China,
Sep. 13-17, 2004
- Zhang, J., 35th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, Paris, France, July 18-25, 2004.
Invited and session chair
- Zhang, J., SHINE 2004 Workshop, Big Sky, Montana, June
27-July 2, 2004. Invited
- Zhang, J., 3rd International Workshop
on Coronal Mass Ejections, Bern,
March 16-20, 2004. Invited
- Zhang, J., AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California,
Dec. 8-12, 2003.
- Zhang, J., AAS/SPD meeting, Laurel, Maryland,
June 16-19, 2003.
- Zhang, J., FASR (Freqnency-Agile Solar
Radio-Telescope) Data System Workshop, College Park, May, 2003
- Zhang, J., SIRA (Solar Imaging Radio Array)
Workshop, Lanham, May 2003
- Zhang, J., 2nd International Workshop
on Coronal Mass Ejections, Elmau,
February, 2003. Invited
- Zhang, J., mini-Workshop on Solar Prominence
Research, Cathoilic University of Aemrica, Washington, D.C., November,
2002. Invited
- Zhang, J.,
SHINE (Solar, Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment)
Workshop, Banff, Alberta, Canada, August, 2002
- Zhang, J., Living With a Star – Coordinated Data
Analysis Workshop on Solar Energeitc Particles: Solar and Geospace
Connection, Lanham, MD, July, 2002
- Zhang, J., Dere, K.P., and Howard, R.A., 200th Meeting of the American
Astronomical Society and SPD meeting, #28.05, Albuquerque, NW, June, 2002
- Zhang, J., Space Weather Week Meeting, Boulder,
CO, April, 2002
- Zhang, J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A., American
Geophysical Union, SH31C-05, Invited
Talk, Sam Francisco, December, 2001
- Zhang, J,
Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., SHINE (Solar, Heliospheric and
Interplanetary Environment) Workshops, Snowmass, June 2001. Invited
Zhang, J., Dere,
K.P., Howard, R.A., American Geophysics Union, SPD meeting, SH62A-11, Boston, May, 2001
- Zhang, J., LASCO/EIT Science Consortium Meeting, Arlington, May, 2001
2000 and earlier
- Zhang, J,
Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., American
Geophysics Union, SH11A-16, San
Francisco, December, 2000
- Zhang, J,
Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., American
Astronomical Society, SPD meeting
Vol. 32, #09.06, Lake Tahoe, June ,
- Zhang, J., Dere, K.P., Howard, R.A.,
International Conference on Solar Eruptive Events, The Catholic University of America, Washington
DC., March, 2000
- Zhang, J., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., Workshop on the physics of the Solar
Corona and Transition Region, Monterey, August
- Zhang, J., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., 194 th American Astronomical
Society, SPD meeting, Vol. 31,
#16.08, Chicago, May, 1999
- Zhang, J., SOHO Science Club,Goddard Space Flight
Center/NASA, Invited Talk, Greenbelt, January
- Zhang, J, Washington
Area Astronomers Meeting, John Hopkins University., Invited Talk,
Laura, November, 1998
- Zhang, J., Kundu, M.R., White, S.M., American
Geophysics Union, SH52A-05. Boston, May, 1998
- Zhang, J., Gopalswamy, N., Kundu, M. R., Schmahl,
E. J., Lemen, J. R., Bull. American
Astronomical Society, SPD meeting Vol. 29, #01.63. Montana, June, 1997
- Zhang, J., Gopalswamy, N., Kundu, M. R., Schmahl,
E. J., Lemen, J. R., American
Geophysics Union, SH32A-01. Baltimore, May, 1997
- Zhang, J., Gopalswamy, N., Kundu, M. R., Schmahl,
E. J., Maryland-Goddard Interaction Day. College Park, February, 1997.
- Zhang, J., Zhang, H.Q., Zhou A.W., The Third
China-Japen Seminar on Solar Physics, Dunhuang, China,
August, 1994
- Zhang, J., Zhang, H.Q., Zhou, A.W., The Second
Eastern Asia Young Astronomer Meeting,
Japan, July, 1994