Name: Jie Zhang
Department of Computational and Data
George Mason
4400 University Drive, MSN 6A2
Virginia 22030-4444
Office Location: Room 351, Research
Building 1, George Mason
Phone: (703)993-1998 Fax: (703)993-9300
Email: URL :
- Post-Doc Naval Research Lab, 2000-2002
- Ph.D. Astrophysics (GPA 4.0), University of Maryland, 1999
M.S. Astrophysics, Purple Mountain Obs., Chinese Academy of Science, 1993
- B.S. Astronomy, Nanjing University, China,
Professional Experience:
- 2009 Aug – present: Associate
Professor, George Mason University
- 2005 Aug-2009 Aug: Assistant
Professor, George Mason University. Teaching solar physics, space weather,
and astronomy courses. Advising graduate students. Conducting solar
physics and space weather research.
- 2006 Oct-2008 Oct: Director, Space
Weather Lab at George
Mason University.
- 2002 Jun-2005 Aug: Assistant
research scientist, George
Mason University.
Carrying out research work in the areas of solar physics and space weather
sciences. Research subjects include CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections), flares,
interplanetary CMEs, geomagnetic storms, solar energetic particle events
and long term solar variations. Developing computational methods to
automate the processes of identifying and characterizing solar eruptive
events. Teaching space weather courses.
- 2000 Jan-2002 Jun: Post-doctor at
Naval Research Laboratory, and assistant research scientist at George Mason University.
Studying solar activities and their geo-effects using data from SOHO, ACE and WIND spacecrafts and ground based
observations. Topics include relationships between CMEs and flares, solar
sources of major geomagnetic storms, kinematic evolution of CMEs.
- 1997 Aug-1999 Dec: Graduate research assistant, Astronomy
Department, University
of Maryland.
Studying the Sun’s corona using SOHO,
YOHKOH and VLA observations.
- 1995 Aug-1997 Aug: Graduate teaching assistant, Astronomy
Department, University
of Maryland.
Teaching experiences include teaching in discussion sections of Astronomy
100-level courses, grading in Astronomy 100 and 200-level courses, and
assisting in campus observatory for public outreach.
- 1993 Jul-1995 Jul: Research associate, Purple Mountain
Observatory, Chinese
Academy of Science.
Works include developing a trap-plus-precipitation model to explain hard
X-ray time profiles of solar flares, and investigating quasi-periodic
structures of solar flares.
Ph.D. Thesis
"A Study of the Sun's Corona Using EUV and Radio
Supervisor: Kundu, M.R., University of Maryland
Honors and Awards
- 2009: China
National Science Foundation Overseas Excellent Young Scholar Award
- 2008: National
Science Foundation CAREER Award
- 1999: Phi Kappa Phi honor society
- 1997: Solar Physics Division of American
Astronomical Society Studentship Award
- American
Astronomical Society
- Solar Physics
Division of American Astronomical Society
- American
Geophysics Union
Research Grants:
Jie Zhang has successfully obtained 7 research grants with the role of principle
investigator (PI), and one more grant with the role of co-investigator (Co-I)
from 2002 to 2008. Five grants are sponsored by NASA (National Aeronautic and
Space Administration), and the other three grants are sponsored by NSF
(National Science Foundation).
Dr. Jie Zhang has
authored and co-authored about 30 refereed scientific papers
- Co-foundering SWL (Space Weather Lab) and developing space weather
program at GMU
- Member of American Astronomical Society, Solar Physics Division,
Education and Public Outreach Committee, 2006-present
- Hosted two important scientific meetings at GMU in 2005, which
effectively increased the scientific influence of GMU
- Worked as conveners and session chairs of many meetings
- Panel reviewer and mail-in reviewer of many NSF and NASA programs
- Worked as referee for about 8 different scientific Journals
- Supervising and
supporting Ph.D. students
Research Interests:
main research interest has two folds. The first one focuses on the science on
fully understanding the physical mechanisms of solar flares and coronal mass
ejections (CMEs), the two most energetic phenomena occurring on the Sun but
affect the environment throughout the entire solar system, including the space
near the Earth, Moon and Mars. The second one focuses on the practical purpose
of creating robust models to characterize the initiation and propagation of
these eruptions across the integrated Sun-Earth system with the aim of
providing accurate prediction of space weather. This research is closely tied
with several ongoing research programs sponsored by federal agencies including
NASA, NSF and DoD, e.g., National Space Weather Program and Living With a Star
Program. This research has impacts not only on addressing the fundamental
physics problems, such as plasma instability and magnetic reconnection, but
also on addressing societal needs of mitigating adverse space weather effects
on human space exploration, robotic satellite operation, communication and