WG3 Science Questions


The main overarching science question in WG3 is:


"How does the TEC respond to geomagnetic storms, and what are the

mechanisms that control that response."


There are a series of sub-questions suggested to focus the discussion:


1. What happens in the first 60 minutes of a storm?

   - penetration electric fields

   - expansion of the convection pattern

   - start of heating and momentum dissipation, and upwelling at high latitudes

   - start of wave propagation

   - start of neutral composition changes


2. Does the storm-enhanced density (SED) feature at midlatitude develop

from the sub-auroral polarization stream (SAPS), or are there other processes



3. How does the neutral wind impact the development of the storm, and

what is the relative importance between penetration and dynamo electric fields in

driving the response?


4. How is the plasma "bulge" created, or transported, to high

mid-latitude (50 magnetic latitude). (It is this bulge of plasma that apparently is transported by the SAPS to produce a SED)


5. Are models able to follow the response and recovery of O/N2 over the

duration of the storm, and how strong is its control of the ionospheric response.


6. What causes the strong longitude dependence in the TEC response, and

how does the UT time sequence of the storm affect the different longitude sectors.