Joint Session Science Questions
WG2/3 joint
session science questions (Tuesday AM):
1. What is
controlling the response of the penetration electric field to the expansion of the
convective electric field and the degree of shielding/overshielding.
- dependence on temporal time-scale of forcing
- pre-conditioning
in the inner magnetosphere/ring current
- magnetic field
- longitude
dependence in ionospheric conductivity
2. When and
where does the ring current produce SAPS and what is their
to SEDS and plumes.
- dependence on MLT
and latitude
- many others
3. How does
the magnetospheric convection pattern expand.
- evolution from one
state to another
- erosion of plasmasphere or equatorward
- refilling
4. Is there a "real" longitude dependence.
- separating the difference between UT/long
and a "real" longitude dependence
- is there a preferred UT start time of