CEASE/TSX5 data is provided by the Air Force Research Laboratory The point of contact is: Don Brautigam Donald.Brautigam@hanscom.af.mil There are 3 directories of plots: 1. cease_stormplots 2. cease_stormplots_a 3. cease_survey_a 1. cease_stormplots: (restricted B/Bo range) The individual storm plots provided are labeled as: cease_stormxx_dDDDyYYYY_dDDDyYYYY.png xx is storm#, and begin and end dates of displayed interval are given by DDD and YYYY 2. cease_stormplots_a: (unrestricted B/Bo range; otherwise identical to 1.) 3. cease_survey_a: (unrestricted B/Bo range; identical to 2.) 6 month periods with storms labeled NOTE: Each L-shell bin is associated with a different B/Bo bin whose range varies from orbit to orbit, and gradually varies throughout the year. A daily average over the full range of B/Bo at fixed L introduces a B/Bo-dependent annual variation of flux that is most pronounced at low L (<2.5). Since for electrons, we're primarily interested in L>2.5, this B/Bo variation is of minimal concern. To provide the most complete coverage, we simply provide the daily average over whatever the daily range of B/Bo is (cease_stormplots_a ; cease_survey_a). However, a second set of plots (cease_stormplots) that are daily averages over a restricted B/Bo range is also provided - however, there are times and regions where there the satellite does not sample this restricted range, thus leaving data gaps. See documentation.