Radiation belt:
1. Which solar wind drivers are most geoeffective
at radiation belt electron enhancements: high speed solar wind streams, CIRs, CMEs including magnetic
cloud and shock categories? While we may know the general answer, we do not
know in detail why some CME events, the focus of this CDAW, are more geoeffective for electrons than others.
Sub-question: How important is pre-conditioning of the
magnetosphere? e.g.
elapsed time since previous storm, plasma sheet density, etc.? WG1 & 4 overlap. Hudson, Baker
2. What solar drivers/solar wind conditions lead to electron
flux enhancements as well as losses, esp. the deep dropouts (to L2 or so) that appear associated with large storms. What are the processes
responsible for each? Webb and Braughtigam, dropouts
3. What are solar wind conditions leading to cutoff
reduction and trapping of Solar Energetic Particles, and solar wind plus magnetospheric conditions leading to loss? Examples are
Nov. 6 and
Ring current:
4. What is the relative importance of the solar-wind driven
enhanced magnetospheric convection electric field,
variations in the plasma sheet population, and the penetration electric field (SAPs) on storm-time ring current development? WG1 & WG3 overlap.
Wygant E-fields, Siscoe
sw density and plasmasheet
source of ring current
WG2 events
that WG1 may be interested in:
#28-29 11-12
Aug 2000 Good CAMMICE in im, CEASE, HENA; no
SEP, enhancement of energetic e-.
sq #6
#45 (
# 37
# 48 24 Nov 2001 SEP trapping, rb and ring current model results
*#50-51 18-20
Apr 2002 Good CAMMICE in p.s.,
EUV, HENA, CLUSTER in i. m. in rec. phase; sq #5, WG3
rec. phase; no SEP,
enhancement of energetic el
phase; Superstorm, sq # 5 WG3 overlap
deep loss of energetic e-, sq # 5, WG3 overlap
The boldfaced
storms indicate storms in which 2 or more people have expressed interest in:
inner magnetosphere, ps = plasma sheet, rb = radiation belts, sq = science question