1) Save sets of derotated eit images, map objects, difference movies and
computed background movies
2) Javascript movies of the derotated difference movies, and
computed background movies
3) EIT data summary, timeline and "best guess" at CME source
4) Map object and image of drawing of EIT dimming, active region, waves
(if present)
This is an example of a map drawing:
An example of a de-rotated Movie of EIT data
An example of a de-rotated Movie of EIT data with a computed background subtracted
An example of a de-rotated Movie of EIT data, running differences
An example of an EIT CME summary:
Feb 8: Eruption beginning at 08:47 UT with dimming, NE of disk center on
Feb 9: CME in NE beginning at 12:36 UT,
CME slightly SW of disk center beginning at 19:24 UT
I'd say it's a 25% chance it's the CME in the NE beginning at 12:36 UT on 08 Feb, 65% chance it's the CME slightly SW of disk center beginning at 19:24 UT on 09 Feb.
An example of an EIT timeline:
19:12 UT: pre-event image
19:24 UT: some evolution seen in active region, brightening along spine of filament, dimming already happening
19:35 UT: most dramatic change, more brightening, dimming formation, outward motions (used as base image for rotation)
19:47 - 20:22 UT: Darkening moving eastward in the south, could be dimming?
19:47 - 23:00 UT: dimming evolves and begins to close, flare loops growing
IP data shows increase in SW speed from 500 to nearly 700 km/sec. Look for medium to fast CMEs from 10/19 to 10/21.
Oct 19: Nice CME and filament eruption SE of disk center between 13:00 and 17:00 UT. Makes a really nice halo CME, 480 km/sec.
Oct 20: Very little activity on disk.
Oct 21: Very little activity
G & Y say CIR - huh? The CME on Oct 19 looks particularly good.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1996-oct-19 13:00 17:00 03:00
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP solar wind speed - about 400-500 km/sec, look for CMEs from 4/16 to 4/20
Apr 16: Not much activity on disk, small dimming/CME and wave at 14:34 UT.
Apr 17: Not much activity on disk
Apr 18: Not much activity on disk
Apr 19: Not much activity on disk
Apr 20: Not much activity on disk
G & Y and Andrei list the CME at 07:36 UT on April 16 as the source - it sure is a faint one. I re-examined the data and found a small potential source for the halo CME at 07:36 UT on April 16:
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1997-apr-16 05:07 05:41 07:43
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Here's a map of the EIT wave and active region:
This one is well documented.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1997-may-12 04:34 05:07 06:34
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind is pretty steady at 400 km/sec. Look for CMEs from Oct 6 to Oct 8.
Oct 6: Filament in the South starts erupting around 14:32 UT.
Oct 7: Dimming and possible CME from AR north of disk center at 17:41 UT. No CME observed in C2.
Oct 8: Not much activity on disk.
I'm 80% certain it's the CME on October 6.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1997-oct-6 12:59 15:52 18:40
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
There were a bunch of CMEs from the same region Nov 3 and Nov 4 - I can't distinguish whether one or another hit Earth.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1997-nov-03 08:25 09:12 12:01
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1997-nov-04 05:41 06:15 08:00
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the background-subtracted movie has some strange artefacts, particularly
off limb.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP solar wind speed from 350 to 500 km/sec. Look for CMEs from Nov 18 - Nov 21.
Nov 18: Not much activity on disk.
Nov 19: Not much activity until data stops at 14:20.
Nov 20: Not much activity on disk.
Nov 21: Some evolution and possible CME from AR NW of disk center.
Feb 13: Not much activity on disk.
Feb 14: Not much activity on disk, magnetic field evolution and possible CMEs from AR SE of disk center all day.
Feb 15: Not much activity on disk.
I'm not going to venture a guess, but I'll run through some of the data on Feb 14.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1998-Feb-14 3:03 4:38 7:34
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
There wasn't much of an event in the EIT data so I didn't do a map.
IP data shows huge but gradual increase in wind speed from 300 to 550 km/sec, with a big ramp-up of material. Apparently a CIR.
People have linked this one to the May 2, 1998 CME.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1998-may-02 13:21 14:12 15:53
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Note: the bright flash in the 13:40 UT image is not an exposure time problem, the flare is too bright.
IP solar wind around 450 km/sec. Look for CME from 6/21 to 6/23
Jun 21: No EIT data
Jun 22: No EIT data until 14:00 UT, No clear solar activity
Jun 23: Small blurp at disk center at 11:25
Oct 14: No clear activity
Oct 15: Filament eruption starting at 5:05 UT
Oct 16: Not much activity on disk
90% certain that it's the CME on Oct. 15.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1998-oct-15 02:11 05:57 07:41
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Note: SOHO is rotated 60.2 degrees counterclockwise during these observations.
Nov 2: Large CME and dimming in the SE at 14:12
Nov 3: Very nice CME and dimming from AR slightly north of disk center after 19:37 UT. LASCO C2 difference movies show clear disturbance moving outward from the East starting at 20:54 UT, some SW outflow as well.
Nov 4: Rapid evolution of active region from same AR all day, separate CME off SW limb
Nov 5: Filament eruption/dimming in the South around 02:29 UT, big flare/dimming CME from AR NW of disk center by 20:42 UT (same AR as the CME on Nov 3)
Nov 6: No superfast candidates for the 11/08 storm, but CME/filament eruption S of disk center at 03:24 UT, possible CME in NE at 23:36 UT
Nov 7: Not much happening on disk. I think the halo listed in the LASCO CME list is really two different CMEs going off the East and West limbs.
Without the IP data, I can't make too accurate of a guess. I checked Gopal & Yashiro's list and Jie Zhang's list, and for some reason Jie doesn't list a source for 11/08, G & Y don't show a source for 11/09, but they list the Nov 5 CME as the source for the remaining event. Dave Webb lists the driver of the first event on 11/08 as having a source in the filament eruption on at 02:29 UT on Nov 5. However, I have trouble believing that the eruption at 02:29 UT caused a geomagnetic storm a good 35 hours before the really energetic CME at 20:42 UT.
My cockamamie guess: the Nov 8 storm was caused by the CME on Nov 3, while the Nov 9 storm was caused by the CME on Nov 5.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1998-Nov-3 18:12 19:30 21:24
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1998-Nov-5 19:04 20:42 23:48
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1998-Nov-9 16:11 17:11 19:47
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1999-Sep-20 3:22 4:46 07:11
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Lots of interesting evolution, but no easily definable dimmings so I didn't do a map.
Oct 17: Large filament eruption south of disk center at 23:12 UT.
Oct 18: Evolution of active regions on disk, no obvious CMEs.
Oct 19: Evolution and dimming on disk south of disk center around 9:48 UT,
possibly associated with a LASCO C2 CME in the SE.
Oct 20: CME in the NW around 6:00 UT, doesn't look Earth-directed.
I'd give 60% to the CME on the 17th, corresponding to a LASCO C2 CME at 00:06 UT.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
1999-Oct-17 22:23 23:11 00:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Lots of interesting evolution, but no easily definable dimmings so I didn't do a map.
Feb 8: Eruption beginning at 08:47 UT with dimming, NE of disk center on disk.
Feb 9: CME in NE beginning at 12:36 UT,
CME slightly SW of disk center beginning at 19:24 UT
I'd say it's a 30% chance it's the CME in the NE beginning at 12:36 UT on 08 Feb, 65% chance it's the CME slightly SW of disk center beginning at 19:24 UT on 09 Feb.
De-rotated Movie of EIT data
De-rotated Movie of EIT data with a computed background subtracted
De-rotated Movie of EIT data, running differences
Feb 8: Eruption beginning at 08:47 UT with dimming, NE of disk center on
Feb 9: CME in NE beginning at 12:36 UT,
CME slightly SW of disk center beginning at 19:24 UT
I'd say it's a 25% chance it's the CME in the NE beginning at 12:36 UT on 08 Feb, 65% chance it's the CME slightly SW of disk center beginning at 19:24 UT on 09 Feb.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Feb 9:
19:12 UT: pre-event image
19:24 UT: some evolution seen in active region, brightening along spine of filament, dimming already happening
19:35 UT: most dramatic change, more brightening, dimming formation, outward motions (used as base image for rotation)
19:47 - 20:22 UT: Darkening moving eastward in the south, could be dimming?
19:47 - 23:00 UT: dimming evolves and begins to close, flare loops growing
April 3: Not much
April 4: Lots of eruptions.
1. The eruption closest to disk center comes from the AR directly to the
W of disk center, a nice expanding loop and dimming beginning at 05:12 UT,
most of it done by 06:00. Corresponds to the 06:54 UT CME in LASCO C2.
2. The large loop appearing in C2 at 16:30 corresponds to
activity NW of disk center, small evolution beginning at 14:24, small
brightening and eruption beginning at 15:00, dimming grows starting at
15:12, last image at 15:24 until cadence resumes at 16:37
3. There is a little spurt/dimming right at disk center starting around
20:36 with no LASCO signature.
April 5: Not much.
This is a tough call. I'd say 35% the first (05:12) eruption, 40% the second, and 15% the third.
May 20:
1. Small active region flare and dimming north of disk center, beginning
at 00:48 UT ending on 01:36.
2. Filament eruption & flare right near disk center, small area
involved, but possibly also area extending towards the South pole involved.
Pre-event image at 5:24, 5:36 - 6:24 show continued development.
Possibly associated with a nice big CME in C2 at 05:50
May 21: Not much happening on-disk
May 22: Not much happening on-disk, small eruption to NW
About 60% chance it's the second event on the 20th. Lots of eruptions here and there, tough to call.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2000-may-20 05:12 06:00 07:25
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
This is quite obviously the Bastille Day event.
Aug 7: Not much happening on disk. Small active region, dimming in the
southeast from 22:00 - 23:12
Aug 8: Not much going on. No data from 18:24 - 20:33.
Aug 9: Unusual-looking filament eruption (?) East of disk center
from 16:12 - 17:48.
My best guess is that it's the one from the 7th, but that's still a longshot.
14 Sep: Very little happening on disk
15 Sep: Small amounts of evolution on disk, a possible small CME and
minor dimming slightly east of disk center 11:00 - 12:12 UT
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2000-sep-15 10:31 11:07 12:19
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Speed in IP space is really low before the shock, , so I l assumed that this is a fast CME slowed down by the ambient wind. I looked at EIT data from 10/9 to 10/12.
Oct. 9: Eruption at 23:24 on 10/9 right at disk center, pre-event image at 23:12. However, it's going really fast - 4.5 days to Earth? There's quite an impressive shock, and the compressed material at 1 AU starts late on the 12th, and the solar wind was really slow on the 11th and 12th.
Oct 10: Nothing happening on on disk.
Oct 11: CME in the West around 21:00, not much of a disk component.
Oct 12: Nothing on disk.
I'd say there's a 5% chance of the October 11 CME, 80% chance of the one on Oct 9.
Oct 9:
23:12 UT: pre-event image, minor evolution in active region
23:24 UT: eruption starts, 2-ribbon flare, dimming starts forming to the East of the region
23:36 UT: dimming progresses
23:48, 00:00 UT: continued evolution of active region and dimming
00:12 UT: possible additional stage of eruption, in adjacent active region to East
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2000-oct-9 22:50 23:24 1:00
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Speed in IP space before the CME arrives is really low (350 km/sec = 4.3 days), so I looked from 10/24 to 10/26.
Oct 24: There's a halo CME around in LASCO C2 around 15:50, but I think it's backsided.
Oct 25: Off-limb dimming starts at 8:24 UT, corresponding to the white light LASCO data. The active region on disk far to the west doesn't start to brighten much until 11:24 UT - however, it's a really weak flare, so perhaps it doesn't start showing up in the EUV until then.
Oct 26: Filament eruption just NW of disk center at 11:36 UT, but the only CME signature in LASCO is far to the NW.
Based on the EIT data, the eruption on the 26th has more activity towards disk center. However, the CME on the 25th appears to have much more of an Earth-directed component.
I'd give it an even split between the two based on the solar signatures, but based on the propagation speed, I'd give better credence to the one on Oct. 25 because its timing is better.
I'd give 45% to the Oct 25 event, 30% to Oct 26.
Oct 25:
08:00 UT: pre-event image
08:12, 08:24, 08:36, 08:48 UT: evolution begins off west limb
09:12 UT: sudden dimming off limb, larger change
09:36 UT: minor brightening visible in small active region near west limb
11:48 UT: brightening happens along spine of the larger AR near the west limb, flare loops start forming
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2000-oct-25 08:00 09:12 12:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Ambient speed in IP space is pretty high, so I looked at the data from 11/03 and 11/04
Nov 3: several eruptions near the limb, but a nice filament eruption at disk center beginning at 04:48 and 23:12 UT.
Nov 4: CME in SW later in day
I think the halo CME on Nov 3 is from the back side!
Oct 3:
04:12 UT: pre-event image
04:24 UT: localized brightening in region
04:36 UT: quiet again
04:48 UT: major brightening begins in region
continued evolution along channel until 06:36 UT
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2000-nov-3 03:59 04:47 06:35
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
Ambient speed in IP space is around 500 km/sec,, so look on 11/25 and 11/27.
Nov 25:
#1 Big ka-blammo starting at 00:48 in the NE,
#2 slow filament in NW starting at 05:24.
#3 AR north of disk center starts brightening at 08:12 UT. Brightening continues, and dimming starts between 09:12 and 09:24 UT.
#4 Filament a little SE of disk center starts around 18:12 UT.
#5 Another brighter, more energetic eruption from the same AR as event #3 above. Evolution starts around 17:12 UT, big flare at 18:48 UT.
Nov 26:
Another eruption from same region, 16:48 UT.
Nov 27: lots of activity, the only thing near disk center is a very small event at 20:48 in the NE.
I'd say it's an 85% chance that it's one of the three CMEs from the AR in the NW. (Nov 25 08:12 UT, Nov 25 17:12 UT, and Nov 26 at 16:48 UT)
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2000-nov-25 16:59 18:47 20:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Ambient speed is high, 500 km/sec going down to 400 km/sec at time of arrival in IP space, so I looked from 03/15 to 03/17.
Mar 15: Double-region CME north of disk center starting around 20:48 UT. Note: this is probably the source of the C2 halo reported at 03:50 on the 16th.
Mar 16: Very small dimming and possible eruption at disk center starting at 22:36 UT
Mar 17: Evolution and slow dimming in AR West of disk center beginning at 04:24 UT
I'd say that there's a 90% chance it's the Mar 15 eruptions, though I can't say for sure which part of the eruption regions was more likely to hit Earth, or whether it was both.
Main "push" around 21:13 UT on March 15.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-mar-15 20:35 21:12 00:47
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Sudden increase in IP solar wind speed from 400 to 700 km/sec early on Mar 31. I would guess that this is a fast CME which was slowed down by the ambient solar wind. 24 hours later (early April 1) there is another large increase in wind speed - probably 2 CMEs hitting one after the other.
Mar 28: flares from ARs East and North of disk center around 09:12 - 11:12 UT. Dimming development peaks around 11:36 UT
Mar 29: flare from AR NW of disk center, 10:14 UT, dimming starting after that.
The EIT signatures don't match the LASCO data that well (most of the mass looks like it's in the south in the C2 data, while the EIT activity is probably in the north.
I think it's a 70% chance that it's these two CMEs hitting Earth one after the other.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-mar-28 08:59 11:35 12:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-mar-29 09:35 10:13 10:59
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
(look at this data in more detail to be sure that the source of the lasco halo cme is the eruption on the 28th)
In IP space, there was a sudden increase in speed from 500 to nearly 800 km/sec. This is probably a fast CME, very quick arrival time (about 2 days).
April 9: huge eruption just south of disk center. Brightening and dimming at commences around 15:36 UT.
April 10: another eruption from same AR south of disk center. Eruption starts at 04:48, but it shows a great acceleration in the brightening and dimming at 05:24 UT.
April 11: impressively quiet, except for the flare and dimming to the SW (same active region) beginning at 13:13 UT. It's probably the source of the halo in the LASCO data starting at 13:31 UT.
I think it's 85% certain that it's the eruptions on April 9/10, probably one plowing into the other.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-apr-9 14:59 15:35 17:35
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-apr-10 04:23 05:23 08:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: unlike some of the other events, most of the evolution on the disk
is due to the CME and EIT wave.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind speed in IP space was 350 km/sec before event arrived, increasing abruptly to more than 500 km/sec. I looked from 4/14 to 4/16.
Apr 14:
Small flare/dimming CME right at disk center at 15:36 UT. Large filament erupts to north right at 22:12.
Apr 15: Filament at disk center erupts at 1:36 UT, active region from 15:36 UT Apr 14 erupts again at 8:36. Big eruption, mostly off West limb at 13:48 UT.
Apr 16: Not much on disk.
The small flare/dimming CMEs at disk center produced fairly slow, small CMEs. Although the CME on 15 April was mostly off the West limb in the EIT data, it has a wider expanse in LASCO and it's probably the source of the IP disturbance. I think it's 75% probability of the 13:48 April 15 CME, with 15% going to the other three eruptions, mostly a tossup.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-apr-15 12:47 13:59 16:40
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP data shows small abrupt increase in speed late on April 21, from 350 to 400 km/sec. Look for a slow CME around 4/17 -4/19
Apr 17: Small eruption with filament in south, 13:13 UT, with a really weak eruption in LASCO C2 starting around 14:30 UT.
Apr 18: Big CME beyond west limb around 02:24 UT, not much else
Apr 19: Big filament lifts off in the NW from 07:36 - 09:36 UT.
It's probably the big filament in the NW, but it doesn't appear to have much of an earth-directed component, and it arrives really quickly relative to the measured speeds. I'd say 50% April 19, 25% April 17.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-apr-17 12:09 13:23 14:32
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-apr-19 07:35 09:35 12:11
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Increase in IP wind speed from 350 to nearly 600 km/sec, peaking early on August 18. Look for fast CME around 08/14 to 08/16
Aug 14: CME NW of disk center between 07:13 and 03:13 UT
Aug 15: filament eruption N of disk center starting at 2:12, corresponding to a big CME in LASCO C2 starting at 02:54
Aug 16: Several small eruptions on disk throughout the day, very fast CME late in the day mostly off the SW limb
The August 14 CME seems a little slow, but it's probably the source. The August 15 CME is near disk center too, but it's probably too slow. 45% to the August 14 CME, 20% each to the August 14 and the August 16 (west limb) CME shock
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
Big jump in IP solar wind speed from 350 to 700 km/sec. Look for a fast CME between 09/22 and 09/24.
Sep 22: Nice little CME and dimming near disk center around 09:24 UT
Sep 23: Not much on-disk activity
Sep 24: Nice CME, flare, dimming to the NE, with a lot of activity on disk around 10:14 UT.
I'm pretty sure it's the Sep 24 CME at 10:14 not other credible candidates.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-sep-24 09:12 10:14 13:25
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
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De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Fairly smooth solar wind speed profile around 500 km/sec. Look for a slow-to-medium speed CME from 9/27 and 9/29
Sep 27: CME to the SW at 14:12,
Sep 28: Energetic CME near disk center around 8:24 UT, CME from the region in the SW around 10:00, and a fast filament in the South at 13:13 UT.
Sep 29: another CME from the region N of disk center around 11:24 UT
It's a tough call - 3 credible candidates. The CME at 08:24 UT on Sep 28 is my best guess - 40% to that one, 25% to the 10:00 UT one on Sep 28, 20% to the 13:13 UT CME on Sep 28.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-sep-28 07:57 10:12 14:44
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind speed is around 500 km/sec, tough to guess the CME source speed. Look for CME from Sep 30-Oct 2.
Sep 30: Little CMEs(?) on disk all day.
Oct 1: Fairly fast CME in the SW around 05:00 UT
Oct 2: Small spurt CME SE of disk center at 11:36 UT
I'm pretty sure it's the big one on oct 1 - 70%
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-oct-1 04:22 04:57 07:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Jump in solar wind speed from 500 to 700 - look for a really fast one from 10/19 or 10/20
Oct 18: minor activity on disk
Oct 19: CMEs/dimmings from AR in the NW at 01:13 and 16:24, Flare/filament/dimming in SE at 09:48.
Oct 20: very quiet
I give 75% to the CMEs from the AR in the NW at 01:13 and 16:24 UT on Oct 19. 10% to the eruption at 09:48 on Oct. 19
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-oct-19 00:35 01:12 02:47
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Sudden jump in IP wind speed from 350 to 500 km/sec. Look for fast CME 10/24 - 10/26
Oct 24: minor activity, no energetic events
Oct 25: Nice CME/dimming SW of disk center at 14:48 UT.
Oct 26: Minor activity, no serious candidates
80% to the Oct 25 14:48 CME
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-oct-25 13:59 14:47 16:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Jump in IP wind speed from 400 to nearly 1000. Look for very fast CME between 11/21 and 11/23
Nov 21: slow filament eruption in the N around 13:36 UT. CME/dimming from AR SW of disk center at 13:13 UT
Nov 22: Big fast CME at SW limb at 20:24, followed by another energetic one on disk in the SW at 23:12 UT.
Nov 23: No major activity
It's probably the CME on Nov 22 at 23:12, possible coupling with the CME at the SW limb at 20:24. However, if the CME at 20:24 made it to Earth, the CME at 23:12 *definitely* hit Earth.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2001-nov-22 21:58 23:10 01:24
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP speed is between 400 and 500 during this period. Look for a CME around 03/20 to 03/22
Mar 20: Slow filament eruption south of disk center from 17:00 - 19:00 UT. CME/dimming mostly off SW limb at 23:36 UT
Mar 21: Filament eruption south of disk center 18:12 UT
Mar 22: Energetic CME off SW limb starting at 10:48 UT.
This is a tough one - looking at the LASCO C2 data, the CME on Mar 22 at 11:06 could have an Earth-directed component, I'm really surprised there is no LASCO C2 signature of the 18:12 CME on March 21. Maybe it didn't fully erupt. I think the halo CME observed on March 20 is an amalgamation of several CMEs happeninng on disk.
I'll give 45% to the filament eruption at 17:00 on March 20, 15% to the CME off the SW limb on 10% to the eruption on March 21, and 10% to the CME on March 22. This one's a tossup.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-mar-20 16:48 18:24 20:00
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
Note: the big concentric rings moving in the de-rotated background-subtracted
movie are an artefact of the processing.
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind is 350 km/sec on April 17, with a jump to 500/600 on April 18. Look for a fairly fast CME on April 15-16.
April 15: Nice CME/dimming at disk center at 03:24 UT.
April 16: No significant activity on disk.
It's probably the CME on April 15.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-apr-15 02:48 03:36 05:36
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP solar wind profile is jagged, 450-650, maybe 2 separate CMEs. Look for energetic eruption(s) April 17-18.
April 17: Small potential eruptions on disk, and a nice energetic CME from an AR West of disk center at 08:00 UT.
April 18: Nice filament eruption and dimming off west limb at 15:24 UT. No on-disk component.
I don't see two CME sources, but I think (75%) that the CME on April 17 hits Earth.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-apr-17 07:48 08:12 09:12
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Jump in solar wind speed in IP space from 350 to 450 km/sec. Look for CME from 05/07 to 05/09
May 7: Lots of minor activity on disk. CME/dimming off SW limb at 19:13 UT, CME/dimming from small AR in the SW at 22:24.
May 8: CME/dimming from AR right at disk center at 13:13 UT.
May 9: No real candidates
I'll give 70% to the little CME on the 8th at disk center.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-may-08 11:59 13:13 14:59
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Jump in IP solar wind speed from 400 to nearly 1000. Look for a really fast CME on May 20-21.
May 20: Not a whole lot of activity
May 21:
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-may-22 02:24 03:24 04:47
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind was jagged, around 450 km/sec. Look for CME from July 29-31
Jul 29: Small spurt CME from AR south of disk center at 03:00 Flare/dimming at disk center at 10:40 UT.
July 30: Small CME/dimming at disk center at 17:00 UT, not much of a LASCO signature.
July 31: Not much happening.
It's probably the CME at 10:40 UT on July 29 (65%) with 10% to the other two.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-jul-29 10:13 10:39 12:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind decreasing steadily from 500 to 400, looks like the CME arrived around 15:00 UT on 20 Aug. Look for a source from Aug 17-Aug 18
Aug 17: Lots of minor evolution on disk, small eruption/dimming at 19:25, plus a big dimming CME off the SW limb after 20:00 UT
Aug 18: Nice little eruption at disk center at 00:12 and 03:36 (from same region as 19:25 eruption on August 17), visible off-limb activity to the South, same thing at 10:28 and 21:24 UT, another little CME/dimming from different place but the same AR at 13:48,
Since there were three CMEs from the same region at disk center, I think these are the source.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-aug-18 20:35 21:23 23:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Jagged gradual increase of solar wind speed from 350 to 450 starting late on Sep 3. Look for CME on Aug 31 - Sep 2.
Aug 31: No EIT data
Big sudden jump in wind speed from 350 to nearly 600 late on Sep 7. Look for energetic eruption on Sep 4-5, possibly early on Sep 6.
Sep 4: Not much activity on disk
Sep 5: gradual dimming in the north and off limb around 10:36, flare/cme/dimming from AR East of disk center around 16:36 UT, filament eruption in SE at 23:12.
70% probability to the 16:36 CME on Sep 5.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-sep-5 15:59 16:35 17:59
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind speed was really steady, around 350 km/sec. Look for slow-to-middle speed CME from 9/26 to 9/29.
Sep 26: not much going on
Sep 27: AR eruption in NE at 03:36 UT, Filament eruption in SW at 07:48 UT,
Sep 28: Another CME from the AR in the NE at 10:38 UT.
Sep 29: Filament eruption really late in the day.
It's not clear - it could be the filament eruption at 07:48 UT on Sep 27 (40%), one of the CMEs in the NE (20% apiece), or the filament on the 29th (less than 10%).
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-sep 27 07:13 07:48 09:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP wind speed around 400 km/sec - look for slow to middle speed CME Sep 29 - Oct 2
Sep 29: Nice filament right SW of disk center 23:12 UT
Sep 30: Big filament north of disk center at 11:12 UT.
Oct 1: CME from AR far to the NE at 15:24 UT
Oct 2: Not much happening on disk
There were two good filaments on disk - I'd say 60% to the filament late on Sep 29, 30% to the filament on the 30th. Note: there's a nice halo CME with this one, beginning at 01:31 in the LASCO C2 data, but it didn't make it into the LASCO catalog.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2002-sep-29 22:23 23:11 01:25
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Solar wind speed decreases steadily from 800 to 550 km/sec. Look for slow CME from 05/26 to 05/28
May 26: Two CMEs from AR right at disk center between 01:13 and 07:13 UT, and between 13:13 and 19:13 UT.
May 27: Another CME from same region between 01:13 and 07:13 UT, another one late in the day
May 28: Not much else
Since the CMEs all came from the same source region, I can't distinguish any one or combination as the source.
195 angstrom data low rate
Increasing solar wind from 450 to 650 km/sec. Look for CME 06/14 to 06/16.
Jun 14: Filament NE of disk center at 00:48 UT. Flare/CME from AR at disk center at 02:48 UT. CME from small AR SE of disk center at 04:24 UT, another CME from AR at 20:24 UT.
Jun 15: Not much happening on disk. CME in SE.
Jun 16: No clear candidates
This one's tough. It's probably the flare/CME at 02:48 on Jun 14, but I only give it 40%.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2003-jun-14 01:59 02:47 04:11
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
IP solar wind speed increasing from 350 to over 600.
Ian says CIR?
Aug 14: No serious candidates. People think the source of the IP disturbance is the CME at 20:00 UT? It's got to be back-sided.
Aug 15: Lots of evolution from AR at disk center all day. Fast CME in SW at 00:12 UT, another at 22:12 UT.
Aug 16: No serious candidates.
Hmmm. This one's tough. I could guess that a slow CME blew off on August 15.
Oct 27: lots of activity from regions on disk all day.
Oct 28: Big eruption right at disk center at 11:00 UT.
Got to be the one on the 28th - 90%
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2003-oct-28 09:47 11:11 13:26
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2003-oct-29 20:01 20:48 22:23
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data
Sudden increase in wind speed from 500 to 750 km/sec. Look for fast CMEs from Nov 16-18.
Nov 16: Not much happening on disk
Nov 17: Nice filament, AR and flare/dimming CME from 07:13 to 10:00
Nov 18: Another CME from AR near disk center, also filament channel in south, at 07:36 UT.
Both CMEs are from the same region, so it's tough to distinguish whether it's the eruption on mid-day Nov 17 or 07:36 Nov 18.
EIT data times: (Start-Event-End)
2003-nov-17 06:23 07:12 10:12
De-rotated EIT 195 A movie
De-rotated EIT difference movie
De-rotated EIT base difference movie
De-rotated EIT background-subtracted movie
EIT save set of data, derotated data
EIT scaled and backgrounded data