1997/05/12 - 1997/05/15 Sun-Earth Connection Event

  • DST (and Kp) index plot
  • Solar wind plot

  • CME image: C3 at 1997/05/12 14:51 UT, direct
  • CME image: C3 at 1997/05/12 14:51 UT, direct, radio-spoked
  • CME image: C3 at 1997/05/12 14:51 UT, running difference
  • CME image: C3 at 1997/05/12 14:51 UT, running difference,radial-spoked
  • CME image: C2 at 1997/05/12 08:35 UT, direct
  • CME image: C2 at 1997/05/12 08:35 UT, running difference
  • EIT image at 1997/05/12 05:07 UT, direct
  • EIT image at 1997/05/12 05:07 UT, running difference
  • CME height-time plot: first order fit
  • CME height-time plot: second order fit

  • GOES X-ray plot

  • Dst 1997/05/15 12:00 UT (-115)
  • CME 1997/05/12 06:30 UT (1 to 1, G)
  • PA-halo, AW 360, V 306 km/s
  • EIT dimming/wave/post-arcade, GOES C1.3 flare
  • NOAA 8038, N21W06
  • In solar wind data, see shock and magnetic cloud. The southern field occurred at the end of the shock sheath and the beginning of the cloud. The cloud is identified in Lepping list, Gopal 2000 and Webb 2000.
  • Shock, ~9-hour from 97/05/15 0 UT to 97/05/16 09 UT. The B jumped from 5 nT to 25 nT. V jumped from 350 km/s to 470 km/s. Te from 8 ev to 13 ev, and TI from 3 ev to 14 ev. Ion N from 10 to 30 cm^-3.
  • Magnetic cloud, 16-hour from 97/05/15 09 UT to 97/05/16 01 UT. See B rotation in X, Y and Z component. B peaked at the beginning of the cloud at 25 nT, and gradually decreased to 5 nT. V maintained at ~500 km/s which show no expansion feature. N and T are low inside the cloud.