CDAW WG1 Science Topics


Questions we can address:


What are the primary characteristics that make a CME geoeffective? (WG2,4)


What types of ICMEs are most geoeffective and why? (WG 2,4)


Can we infer the magnetic field structure (Bz south) from photospheric magnetograms? (WG4)


What is the relationship between solar filaments and the ICME flux ropes?


What is the best way to predict the intensity of geomagnetic storms?


Why do some storms have no associated CMEs?



Questions we may not be able to address:


Why don't some Earth-directed CMEs cause storms?

          - No weaker storms are included; we have no control group.


What is the missing physics in MHD (solar-IP) models and where do they need improvement?

- Appear to have limited expertise in this area (Dan Spicer and Nick Arge who is only here Wed.)