Introduce WG1 attendees
- What are your interests?
- What data did you bring?
- Why is it important and
how do we use it?
BRIEF presentations and discussion about the WG1 science
goals, what data sets can be used to achieve those goals, and how best to use
those data sets.
How do we subdivide the events and tasks?
- Subdivide into groups by
science topic, interests, etc
People in these subgroups
may wish to remain together for the rest of the
workshop or move to another
subgroup. However, remember that our working
time is limited.
- Identify/agree on the
solar drivers for each event.
We probably want to limit
time taken by the entire group on this subject.
Some who have done source
identifications may wish to comment.
- Possible groupings/studies:
source identifications
Solar vs
IP/ICMEs aspects
surface magnetic fields and extrapolations
Chromosphere/low coronal data (EUV, X-rays, white light,
corona/heliosphere (LASCO, Wind-WAVES radio, SMEI)
ICME/Storm coupling physics
Who is interested in attending the WG 2 and/or WG4 joint
What do you expect to get out of the workshop?
· Towards the end of each
day, each subgroup should plan to give a brief report on progress, the
important issues, questions raised (which perhaps someone else may be able to
help with), etc. This will be used to
compile a summary of WG activities for the following morning’s plenary
session. In the final WG session, each
subgroup should outline how they might continue the work after the workshop.
· Other issues?