Data and Event Lists
Master Data Table (a list of 88 major geomagnetic storms from 1996 to 2005, some events with links to observations from the Sun to the Earth) (CDAW II, last updated Nov. 28, 2006)
A Complete Tabular List of Solar and Interplanetary Sources of All Major Geomagnetic Storms (PDF) (updated on Feb. 28, 2007)
A Draft Paper Describing the Table and Identification Processes (PDF) (updated on March 1, 2007)
Data uploaded (in raw hierarchy directory format, sorted by WGs and data providers).
WG1 Data Table
Sorted by Events
Sorted by Data Providers
Sorted by Data Types
A consolidated table about CME sources of storms
WG2 Data Table
Sorted by Data Types and Events
Sorted by Data Providers
A list of focused events
WG3 Data Table
Sorted by Data Providers
A list of focused events
WG4 Data Table
Sorted by Data Providers
A list of focused events
Tables and Lists from Individuals
Solar and IP drivers of major geomagnetic storms
Vasyl Yurchyshyn's table on fast CMEs and their sources
(posted on 2007/03/02)
Jie Zhang's table of solar sources of major geomagnetic storms (.html)
Gopal & Yashiro's identification of solar source of major geomagnetic storms (.html)
Barbara_Thompson's identification of source regions and various EIT movies (.html)
Richardson's (versus Huttunen) list of IP drivers of major geomagnetic storms (.pdf)
Cane and Richardson's ICME list (1996-2002) (.pdf)
Webb's list of full halo CMEs and their solar sources and IP response (.xls)
Zhukov's list of geo-effective ICMEs and their solar source regions (.html)
A short consolidated table about CME sources identified by different workers (.html)
Kasper's table of IP shocks seen at WIND (.html)
Lepping's list of 82 magnetic clouds, with 7-parameter fitting results (.html)
Lepping's list of 122 magnetic cloud-like events (.html)
McPherron's IP driver prediction plots (.html)
Major Geomagnetic Storms in an extended period
Volker Bothmer's list of major geomagnetic storms since 1932 (.pdf)
McPherron's list of magnetic storms in the space age (.txt)
Henderson and McPherron's list of onset times for Sawtooth Injection Events (very large storm) (.txt)
Master Data Table (a list of 79 major geomagnetic storms from 1996 to 2004, some events with links to observations from the Sun to the Earth) (from CDAW I, last updated in April 2005)
Last Modified: Mar. 01, 2007 by Jie Zhang (