A new Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW) to bring together scientists of Living With a Star (LWS) disciplines to interact and establish long-term collaborations that can effectively address questions related to CMEs, ICMEs, and their connections to geomagnetic and ionospheric storms. The focal point of the CDAW will be the set of all geomagnetic storms of cycle 23 (until the end of 2003). The number of participants will be restricted to a maximum of 60. Our intent is to attract a set of participants who can contribute data, data products, models, and analysis tools to achieve the scientific goals of the CDAW. This would involve assembling and pre-processing the data sets well ahead of the CDAW and a lot of effort has to go in much before the workshop. The data from the CDAW and the results produced during the CDAW will be made available on line after the workshop to the broader scientific and space weather community for continued research.
Scientific Questions:* What are the primary characteristics that make a CME geoeffective? * Can we infer the magnetic field structure (Bz south) from the photospheric gemagnetograms? * What is the relationship between solar filaments and the ICME flux ropes? * How do ICMEs affect the ring current and radiation belts? * How is the total electron content (TEC) affected by the ionospheric storms? * What types of ICMEs are most geoeffective? * What is the best way to predict the intensity of geomagnetic storms? * Why do some storms have no associated CMEs? * Why don't some Earth-directed CMEs cause storms? * What is the missing physics in MHD models and where do they need improvement?
The following working groups have been formed to address specific questions and the findings will be summarized at the end of the workshop.
(1) Drivers of geomagnetic storms (CME and solar surface source region, CME/ICME relation): D. Webb, D. Berdichevsky (2) Radiation belt response to geomagnetic storms: Mike Liemohn, Mary Hudson (3) Geomagnetic storm mechanisms (Plasmasphere, ring current, radiation belts): Reiner Friedel*, Margaret Chen (4) Ionospheric Storms: John Foster, Tim Fuller-Rowell* (5) Prediction of Geomagnetic storms: R. Lopez*, X. Li* *To be confirmed
Arrangements will be made to publish the initial results as letter papers and a conference will follow after allowing enough time to complete collaborative work started at the CDAW.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Nat Gopalswamy, Jie Zhang or any member of the organizing committee.
SOC: Nat Gopalswamy (Chair), Ron Lepping, David Webb, B. Giles, O. C. St. Cyr, M. Guhathakurta, H. Singer, K. Dere, J. Zhang, M. K. Hudson
LOC: J. Zhang (Chair, data coordinator), S. Yashiro, K. Dere, Shealia Brown, and Yang Liu